Exclusive, underground, custom tattooing in Oslo

We embrace the notion that tattoos are not simply about ink on skin, but fusion of art and personal expression. Our tattoo artists are dedicated to curating unforgettable tattoo experience.We are a collective studio established in 2018, built from passion for tattooing.

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Founder of High Fever Tattoo, with over 13 years of experience in the tattoo industry. Educated in Fine art at University RZ, Poland. Unlimited passion, dedication and commitment to art, tattooing and High Fever. Specializes in mixed styles; realistic/abstract, color or black and gray, preferably large scale motives. Nature inspires. Winner of several awards, latest «Best Color Tattoo» at Bergen Tattoo Convention 2023. Traveller and guest artist all over the world; China, Spingapore, Rio janeiro, NYC among others.
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Has been with High fever for some years now and is a great and chill person to be around. Is very precise in everything he does, and takes great pride in giving all his customers handmade and personalized tattoos. He is inspired by historical/culture tattoos, medieval art, vikings etc.
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Is an educated UI/UX designer, before she decided to make her long time passion for drawing and tattooing her full time occupation. As a tattoo artist she works in her distinctive style, building shapes and forms with lines. She’s known for her love towards Witcher-series, ping-pong, Honda S2000 and medieval engraving books, which she currently owns way too many of.
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Originally from Poland, and tattooing since 2018. Educated in graphic design (bachelor's degree). Working with illustrative graphical, blackwork style. Inspired by mythology, folklore, nature and dark fantasy themes.
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Works with abstract and realistic style. She aims to tattoo personal stories, which are as valuable as the visual aspect. Besides tattoos, Adrianna does oil paintings and digital art, driven by curiosity to explore the human potential. She was a painter-animator in the Oscar-nominated movie "Loving Vincent”.
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Is our junior/apprentice tattoo artist who has been dreaming about becoming a tattoo artist since she was 12 years old. She has been drawing her whole life, and also did two years of illustration studies.
Micah loves games, anime, cartoons and everything that is pink and cute. She has two cats named Sushi and Avocado.
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Specializes in black and gray realistic tattoos. Is educated in Fine art (The Swedish Academy of Realist Art), Academic drawing (Barcelona Academy of Art) and as a designer (Shenkar College, Israel). She is aiming to give tattoos the same quality as oil paintings and drawings inspired by the old masters, with the most modern tools. Her tattoos focus on highly detailed and rendered techniques, promising the best quality possible to her clients.
She is passionate about portraits, animals, landscapes, vikings, myths from Norse to Egyptian and Greek.
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Motzfeldts gate 28
Oslo, Norway


We don’t have opening hours, you have to book time for appointments or consultation by contact form.


0047 908 31 155

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We embrace the notion that tattoos are not simply about ink on skin, but a fusion of art and personal expression. Our tattoo artists are dedicated to curating unforgettable tattoo experiences for you.
Det vil variere litt ut fra hvilken tatovør du ønsker skal gjøre ditt design, men i utgangspunktet booker vi for kun fire måneder om gangen sånn at det aldri skal være veldig lang ventetid. Ta kontakt! Ved eventuelle kanselleringer vil vi booke kunder ut fra en venteliste.
Du må ha fylt 18 år. Det er mot Norsk Tatoo Unions lover å utføre en tatovering på
mindreårige, selv med foreldrenes samtykke.
Ikke bare må du ha fylt 18. For å få tillatelse fra oss må du medbringe gyldig
legitimasjon. Ingen unntak.
Avhengig av artisten vil prisen variere litt. Alle tatoveringer har minstepris på 1.500 kroner, noe som er standard i Norge. Alt i alt bestemmes prisen på grunnlag av størrelse, design og hvor på kroppen tatoveringen blir plassert. Ta kontakt for et uforpliktende tilbud.
En kort, uforpliktende prat er gratis, men om samtalen overstiger en time blir du belastet med 750 kroner per time. Møt forberedt til konsultasjonen. Ta med relevante bilder for å hjelpe artisten med idé- og skisseprosess. Når du og tatovøren er enige vil du få all informasjon om design og pris, samt hvor lang tid tatovøren trenger. Ved store tatoveringer kan det være nødvendig med ….
Avhengig av den ønskede størrelsen og designet på tatoveringen må du innbetale et depositum etter konsultasjonen. Depositumet blir ikke tilbakebetalt, men vil inngå i totalprisen på tatoveringen.
All kansellering og endring må gjøres senest 48 timer før oppsatt time. Ved kansellering senere enn dette vil innbetalt depositum bli benyttet for å dekke tapt inntekt.
En tatovering gror i omtrent to-tre uker, men selve hudcellene regenereres i flere måneder.
Hver enkelt butikk har sin egen metode for hudpleie. Du får et instruksjonskort etter tatoveringen.
Vi anbefaler at du spiser godt før du kommer til timen. Husk å drikke vann. Om du blir. svimmel, drikk en brus. Sukker er din venn i dette tilfellet. Det er best å ikke feste natten
før, siden alkohol øker blodtrykket i opp til 24 timer. Blod fortynner våre pigmenter, noe som til slutt vil påvirke hvordan resultatet blir.